The Amazon River runs throughout South America passing through Brazil, Colombia and Peru before flowing out into the Atlantic Ocean.
The Amazon is the second-longest river in the world, whose enormous drainage basin accounts for one fifth of all the world's total river flow.
Over 10% of all known species live within the Amazon Rainforest making this the most bio-diverse region in the world. This includes 2.5 million species of insect, tens of thousands of species of plants, 2,000 species of bird and mammals, 2,200 species of fish, 428 amphibians and 378 reptiles species.
Our range of Amazon river cruises will allow you to see many of these creatures in their natural habitat as well as giving you the opportunity to discover areas of Brazil that are relatively untouched by humans. If you are looking for similar trips that take you to largely unexposed parts of the world, our Myanmar river cruises will be perfect.